Locating the Best Spring Return Damper

A spring return damper allows the ability to remotely control a device, which is often required to adhere to safety standards. A spring return damper is desirable in many instances where a power failure can compromise the system. If the actuator loses power, air supply, or hydraulic pressure, the springs expand and return the actuated component to its original position, known as the fail position. Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators tend to be more powerful than electric actuators. The actuator provides a single powered stroke, and since power is utilized for only one half of the working cycle, the actuator has lower energy use, easier installation, and less maintenance over a longer service life.
An actuator is a type of motor for moving or controlling a mechanism or system. It is operated by electric current, hydraulic fluid pressure or pneumatic pressure, which the actuator then converts into motion. An actuator is the mechanism that is used to open or close a valve. Actuators can also be modified with positioners or modulating boards in order to provide modulation if it is required in the control loop.
Our spring return damper is available in multiple different types and configurations, in order to meet any specific control need in a process control system. Hydraulic actuators are a cylinder or fluid motor that use hydraulic power to facilitate mechanical operation. The mechanical motion gives an output in terms of linear, rotary or oscillatory motion. Since liquid cannot be compressed, they take longer to gain speed and power while requiring more time to slow down. A pneumatic spring return damper, on the other hand, converts energy formed by compressed air at high pressure into ether linear or rotary motion. Pneumatic energy is more desirable for main engine controls because it can quickly respond in starting and stopping as the power source does not need to be stored in reserve for operation. An electric spring return damper is a device powered by a motor that converts electrical energy to mechanical torque. The electric energy is used to actuate multi-turn equipment, such as gate or globe valves. A scotch yoke actuator converts linear motion into rotational motion. The piston or other reciprocating part is directly coupled to a sliding yoke with a slot that engages the shaft of the component that requires rotation.
Whatever your actuation needs, our company can provide you with the type of damper actuator your enterprise requires. There are a wide variety of types and designations in the actuator category and you will need to know the specifications necessary for optimal results. Applications requiring multiple switching or actuation functions, such as remote locations or hazardous operation environments, can rely on multiple types of actuators using various power sources, including high pressure oil, compressed air, and electric motors. Utilizing alternating current or direct current and providing actuation as linear or rotary output, actuators and dampers can be extremely accurate and precise when stepper motors are used, making them suitable for meticulous engineering needs. Spring return damper technology has advanced to add to the multiple choices available in the field, as it has proven its suitability in many applications.

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