Benefits of Installing Pressure Independent Control Valves

There are countless reasons why a company might need to install control valves or pressure independent control valves in their pipelines. Control valves work to manipulate the amount of process media that is flowing through a pipeline at any point. These substances can be gases or liquids, and they may be vital for the production process of the company. Sometimes, the medias flowing through the pipelines are the main service that a company is providing. This is especially true in instance when a company is charged with refining, filtering, and/or circulating a particular substances to certain locations at particular times. Control over flow is vital for the success of an operation. Pressure independent control valves allow a company the opportunity to successfully manipulate the flow of process media within business operation parameters.

Pressure independent control valves operate with the same basic premise as most control valves. They can change between open and closed positions, which either allows media to pass through into the next area of pipeline, or it prevents the media from moving. Control valves can be used to control the volume of flow, as well as whether or not flow occurs at all. Flow volume can be adjusted by partially opening a control valve, which allows only the necessary amount of liquid or gas to move through the following portion of the system. Many control valves are set up to respond to sensors. These sensors are able to communicate if a system gets too hot or collects too much pressure, and if that particular setting has been tied with a command to increase or reduce flow, the valve moves in conjunction with the sensor feedback in order to maintain optimal conditions for operation within the system. Sometimes, it is not desirable for changes in pressure conditions within the factory to affect the amount of flow in the pipelines. In these conditions, installing pressure independent control valves could be the best decision for a company.

Pressure independent control valves allow for a company to manipulate the amount of flow for a substance in the system, while operating independently of larger company changes in pressure. Pressure independent control valves possess self-contained pressure regulators. This component of their composition allows for the pressure within the valve fixture to remain at a fixed and constant level, despite any changes in pressure that may be occurring outside of this self-contained unit. The larger system will not impact the amount of flow or change the flow process, unless additional measures, sensors, and actuators are added to achieve that desired effect. Pressure independent control valves are good options for providing constant sources of flow in running operations that exist amongst changing conditions. Consistent and continuous flow is a necessity in certain operations, as some systems are expected to run constantly and produce high-quality goods and services during the entire time that they are operating. The option of installing pressure independent control valves allows for companies to attain the power they need in their operations.

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