Inline Check Valve Functions

An inline check valve is typically used in situations where a substance flow is only desired in one direction. This is a highly desirable trait in systems that perform any sort of cleaning, filtering, or refining processes, because once the substance has been cleaned, the goal is to transport it to a new location for use, to avoid the prospect of the substance backflowing and contaminating or damaging equipment.

An inline check valve can be used in systems that control different types of gases or liquids. The valves themselves generally have two openings. One opening allows the substance to enter, and the other opening allows the substance to leave. An inline check valve can be ordered in a wide variety of sizes, and the appropriate one will fit snugly into the piping system already in place. Check valves are often common in household systems as well as large industrial and manufacturing systems.

Different materials are used in the composition of an inline check valve, which allows companies to select the type of material that will work most effectively within their system. Common materials for the composition of an inline check valve include different types of metals and plastics. The substance that is being controlled needs to be able to make contact with the check valve without causing damage or contamination to either party. In cases where liquids are being manipulated in a system, plastic is a common choice for inline check valve composition, in order to avoid rust from building up and slowing operations. If there is an extensive amount of build-up of a substance in a valve system, frequent cleaning is required to keep the flow moving. Overall operations depend on the effective movement of liquid flow through a system.

Due to the fact that an inline check valve only allows a substance to pass through in one direction, the cracking pressure of the valve needs to be considered at all points of operation. In general, flow needs to maintain a minimum flow of pressure for the valve to operate. If a substance is needed in another location but the flow pressure is too weak for it to pass through the valve, operations will be slowed or stopped. This situation would have profoundly negative results for any type of corporation, as nobody can afford to lose production or profits in this current economy. Fortunately, an inline check valve can be ordered and designed for a specific application, and the cracking pressure can be matched to the needs of a system.

A special feature of an inline check valve is the spring that will lift when there is pressure on the side of the valve facing upstream. The amount of pressure needed to move the spring is what determines the cracking pressure of the valve. When the pressure is not sufficient to move the spring, the valve will revert to the closed position. Substances that have already passed through will then not be able to travel back in the direction from which they came.

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