Industrial Check Valves: Application Uses in Various Industries

Industrial check valves typically come with a disc or plate, which is made to fit tightly against a seat or gasket when the valve closes. The disc allows the liquid or gas product to flow through it, provided they follow the normal flow direction. In the event that the flow stops or become reversed, the product will push the disc and force it to close. This method then allows the check valve to effectively prevent backward flow. One of the main objectives of preventing back flow is to protect the pumps and other compressor equipment in the process line. Such devices will most likely become damaged during reverse flows. A check valve also maintains a low pressure drop and eliminates chatter. All of these capabilities result to beneficial outcomes such as increased energy savings, reduced down time and lowered production loss percentage due to valve failure.

Because industrial check valves have critical functions and benefits, they are used in various industries to facilitate the flow of gases and fluids necessary for machines and systems to operate, or to create end products. Facilities dealing with petroleum, jet fuels, bio-diesel and gasoline typically require check valve to ensure that the flow of these gases through the pipes is always in the right direction through the pipes. Check valves are also effective when multiple gases are integrated into one gas stream. By installing a check valve on each gas stream, gas mixing is avoided and the original gas cylinders remain uncontaminated. This kind of application is often seen in the oil and gas industry.

A chemical facility is one of the common industrial settings that require the services of industrial check valves. For chemicals applications, check valve units are expected to have heavy-duty construction and non-corrosive characteristics. This is because the high acidity in most chemicals can easily break down a lesser quality check valve. Specific chemical industries that mostly use check valves include paint and fertilizers.

Another industry that depends so much on industrial check valves is food processing. Most food production system involves the presence of fluids like syrups, oil and liquid sugar. These substances usually travel through pipes as part of the overall production of a certain food product. Thus, check valves are needed to deliver the ingredients from one section to the next, hindering the occurrence of a backflow during operation.

Industrial check valves used in the industries mention can vary in size and design. Quality check valves comply with good manufacturing practices. This means that such devices operate for a long period of time with little or no maintenance, have smooth surfaces and zero dead spots. Leading check valve units have good pressure drop rating and high sealing effectiveness. The pressure drop rating indicates if the valve has the tendency to restrict the flow, which will cause to operational problems.

Most regular industrial check valves are made of stainless steel, which is considered a strong, durable and corrosion-resistant material. For water applications, copper or brass check valves are sufficient. However, since some industrial applications are more rigid and involve extreme temperature, they need check valves made from special materials like metal alloys.

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