Choosing the Best Industrial Check Valve

An industrial check valve is a heavy duty valve device installed in process pipelines. Check valves of this kind are designed to allow fluid flow in one direction. This classification of valves typically reacts to the line fluid and does not need external actuation. Unlike isolation valves, industrial check valves cannot contain the flow in one section of the pipeline. However, these valves are very much critical in preventing flooding and reverse flow, which can potentially damage the pipeline equipment like flow meters and strainers, as well as the entire system.

In choosing the right industrial check valve, you need to have sufficient knowledge on the various types and models available. Each valve type is designed to conform to specific applications and industrial settings. The common check valve designs include swing check, lift check, tilting disc check, non slam , piston check and wafer check. Lift check valves follow a simple design, and possess discs or plugs that can be operated automatically. Swing check is another uncomplicated check valve that is often inexpensive because they contain less moving parts. This type of check valve is normally utilized on drinking water systems.

The selection process for industrial check valve units also involves learning about how the device can function efficiently. For example, if the check valve is too big for the flow process, it can cause the valve to open and close repeatedly and unnecessarily. A short check valve can result to extreme temperature drop. Thus, the size of the industrial check valves must be according to the dimensions of the pipework.

An industrial check valve can be made of various durable materials of construction. The rule of thumb is the valve's material of construction must be compatible with the product that will in contact with them. If such rule is not observed carefully, it can lead to a functional failure on the part of the check valve device. Ideally, strong materials of construction like brass and copper should be used for water applications. For products that are acidic in nature, check valves with chemical-resistant materials are necessary. When the valve needs to deal with high temperature, they should be made from special composites or metal alloys.

Check valves must effectively stop the reverse flow of the gas or liquid product at a rapid pace. Thus, you need to choose check valves that have fast closing speed. To determine if the valve closes properly, manufacturers conduct some operation tests before selling their devices to clients. Manufacturers typically use pressure gauges to evaluate if a check valve not only closes completely, but if it allows air to leak backwards.

It is an added advantage if the industrial check valve can reduce pressure drop. In high pressure situations, ordinary valves can restrict or limit the flow. This situation calls for more pumping power and can eventually lead to operation issues. High performing check valves should be easy to operate with little or no maintenance. Valves that deal with corrosive products need to be disassembled easily to make it inspection and cleaning more convenient. For flow systems that contain solid materials, it is better to purchase check valves that come with internal filters to block the particles and avoid leakage and disc damage.

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