Applications for Foot Valves

Foot valves, which are also known as suction valves, are types of flow control valves that can be installed inside pipes operating within larger systems. These foot valves can assist in controlling the flow of process media that is passing through the pipe, in order to maintain the proper volume for production purposes.

When different types of control valves are installed in piping systems, there tends to be a certain amount of resistance, which lowers the volume of flow for substances passing through the valves. In order to lessen the amount of lost pressure, foot valves are designed to have a larger area available for flow than the rest of the pipe system. This works to counter-act any resistance, and allows flow to maintain similar pressure levels consistently through the rest of the system.

Generally, foot valves can be made from stainless steel, cast iron, bronze, or PVC. These materials are each available for different companies to consider, although one material may be more appropriate for any given application. Most companies focus on avoiding any type of contamination of the materials in their system, and choose a material for valves based on the material that would be less invasive when combined with their substance flow. Additionally, maintenance concerns need to be considered. One reason plastic is a popular material for foot valves is due to the fact that it does not rust over time when exposed to liquids. In order to ensure that foot valves last for long periods of time while being submerged in liquid, foot valves are usually composed of sturdy and heavy duty materials.

Foot valves are relatively easy to both install and maintain over time. Additionally, they tend to be more affordable than many of the other valve options available for similar purposes.

The different types of foot valves that are available for installation include micro-flow system valves, high-flow system valves, and low-flow system valves. Each company needs to consider the depth of their wells, the amount of water that needs to be controlled, and the size of their pipe diameters before they are able to select the type of foot valve that is most likely to meet their needs.

When purchasing and installing foot valves, companies also need to be aware of the surge blocks that are usually necessary to help maintain foot valves over time. Surge blocks are tools which can clean out foot valves and remove any residue that has built up over time. As valves are generally operating regularly in non-stop flow operations, cleaning is necessary to remove particles from that constant process. Without cleaning, the valve runs a greater risk of breaking as the build-up causes more resistance and therefore increases the pressure that is inflicted on the valve itself during normal operation. Removing residue through the use of a surge block also helps to ensure that the liquids in the system can flow smoothly over that particular area.

The options available for foot valve purchase and installation allow companies to select the fixture most appropriate for their industrial operation.

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