Flap Check Valve Applications

In some types of systems and operations, a flap check valve provides an absolutely critical service. While most large systems of machinery employ the use of pipes to move substances to different locations, the purposes for moving those substances differ on the overall processing of the company. Generally, the substances moving through pipes consist of some type of liquid or gas that needs to be refined, circulated, or positioned for other uses contributing to overall production. A flap check valve may be useful in controlling the type of flow desired by a particular business.

Depending on the type of movement that is required for production processes, it may be essential that the substances flowing through pipe keep moving forward and never progress back to their previously traveled locations. This is especially true in any type of systems that involve filtering, or the removal of lower quality gases or liquids. The overall goal is to prevent those lower quality and less pure substances from entering the mainstream for circulation or production. In these situations, a flap check valve could be employed to prevent the flow from ever reversing in direction. A flap check valve would also be necessary in any type of system where backflow may cause damage to the actual machinery involved. Replacing whole systems of machinery would be exponentially more expensive than installing a flap check valve, to ensure that backflow prevented the damage from occurring in the first place!

A flap check valve operates in response to the pressure that is created from a substance flowing through a piping system. This allows the flap check valve to perform the desired duties without any type of adjustment or regular monitoring. A business will probably appreciate the low levels of maintenance that are required for a fixture that continues to deliver sensitive services based on the response to flow through the system.

A flap check valve allows flow to pass directly through in one direction, and prevents flow from entering the other way. This design does not create a huge volume or pressure drop because of the fact that substances can flow straight through in one direction. Additionally, a flap check valve is not an incredibly large fixture, and it does not take up much space in a pipeline. The lack of bulk contributes to the lack of pressure drop it creates.

Generally, a flap check valve is made completely of types of plastic. This is usually a useful feature, as it prevents any type of rust from forming, and therefore operates successfully without jamming due to any type of rust build-up. Plastic, as a material, is also pretty neutral in regards to coming in contact with other types of substances. While certain metals may have a high risk of contaminating sensitive gases or liquids, plastic tends to have no effect on their composition.

The size, reliability, easy maintenance, material composition, and lack of flow disruption makes the flap check valve a popular choice for many large companies and industrial corporations.

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