General Information on ElectroHydraulic Valve Actuators

Electrohydraulic valve actuators are normally powered both electronically and to some extent by hydraulic fluid and that is why they take that name. These actuators can be used in a variety of industries including; the marine, water management, refineries, alternative energy, chemical, oil & gas, pulp & paper, sciences, metal & mining, food and beverage, among others. Here are a couple of things you heed to remember when choosing the right actuators for the your process control system.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Electrohydraulic Valve Actuators

As was mentioned before, there are several industries that use actuators; therefore, it is important for you to consider this when making your selection. Each industry has a special design of actuators meant to give optimal results and, by considering that, you will be able to choose a product that is most suitable for the needs in question.

The next point is whether the actuators you pick are able to give the most desirable results or not. This can only be done if you are careful about the specifications of the electrohydraulic valve actuators. Make sure you have a general knowledge of the pressure and temperature ranges that the product you are interested in can withstand. You are also supposed to know how much energy should be used in order to achieve the appropriate results. With this information, you will be able to choose the ideal products to buy.

Another important point to think about is the general cost of the equipment you wish to acquire. While it is prudent to buy high quality products, you should not buy blindly. Make sure that you buy from a supplier that is fair when it comes to pricing. Just because a product is of superior quality does not mean it should be overly expensive. Choosing a good supplier is the key to acquiring the best equipment.

The materials used in making the Electrohydraulic valve actuators you buy can equally be helpful during your considerations. If you are in an industry that requires constant operational activities, you need to pick products that are able to withstand prolonged activity. It is with this in mind that you need to pick actuators that are designed using very strong materials which will be able to remain durable despite being used frequently.

Advantages of Using Actuators

Actuators help in making processes much faster. Since most industries rely on fast production in order to make significant profit, this is a very good thing.

The second advantage of using actuators is that they help minimize complications during industrial processes. This makes it possible for a plant to remain active for a long time without requiring manual checks.

Actuators automate processes and thus makes it possible for an industry to operate without requiring manual labor. Since this can be achieved, operational costs and potential errors are significantly cut down.

Electrohydraulic valve actuators also help the particular industry using them to produce high quality end products since they are able to make applications work more accurately.


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