Electrical Actuators Provide Automation

In any large industrial setting, there is a good chance that electrical actuators are utilized for processing. Any sort of refinery generally depends upon some type of actuator to maintain operations.

The actuator itself is a specific kind of motor. The electrical designation sets it apart from hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, as the electrical actuator converts electric current into motion rather than the pressure provided from a liquid or a gas.

There are several reasons that electrical actuators are implanted into systems over other types of actuators. One reason companies prefer electrical actuators is the fact that they are relatively easy to wire and install in a system. Other types of actuators would require large pumps and compressors, as well as piping systems to both hold and move the gas or liquid needed to provide the pressure. Electricity, however, is easily available and does not require extreme design modifications.

In addition to being easier to access, electricity is also easier to control than other substances that would be needed to produce pressure. Electrical actuators run a clean substance through simple cables, without the risk or worry that substance contamination would be gleaned from any sort of piping system.

If it is discovered that electrical actuators are not functioning properly, the diagnosis process is relatively simple. Hydraulic or pneumatic actuators may require much more pipe exploration and part removal by trial and error to even pinpoint where the lost connection might be. The process of even locating a problem could take several days of missed operation and production. Electrical actuators, however, can generally be diagnosed without any long searches through the system.

A company considering electrical actuators needs to be aware of the fire hazard that they pose. If a business deals with large amounts of flammable substances, other types of actuators may be a safer choice. It is possible to order electrical actuator equipment that is made intrinsically safe or explosion-proof, although this does cost a great deal more than most other types of actuators. All options and budget considerations need to be discussed before a final purchase regarding actuators is determined.

The required speed for electrical actuators is also an important concern for businesses. While electrical actuators provide a little bit of variety in the torque they have to offer, they are not able to reach the same speeds as other types of actuators. This is another situation where the specifics of the company and production need to be carefully pondered before any equipment is purchased.

Electrical actuators can be automated, and set to open or close valves when certain conditions are experienced within a system. For instance, an electrical actuator could be set to work under certain temperature and pressure conditions.

Each type of actuator serves a very specific purpose, and companies are fortunate in that they have the flexibility to order the type of fixture that is appropriate for them. Electrical actuators are simple and convenient, and they have the added benefit of easy control, manipulation, and, if needed, diagnosis.

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