Reasons for Implementing Dual Basket Strainers

Dual basket strainers are essential components for any sort of piping system that is expected to regulate the flow of a clean and pure liquid or gas. Whether or not the liquid or gas is intended for use in production or circulation, it is most desirable (and sometimes absolutely mandatory) that it remain unpolluted and free from any unwanted particles or debris. The quality of production relies on this concept, and sometimes a companyƕs reputation or he health of people experiencing final output is directly affected by choices regarding the implementation of a strainer.

A strainer is a fixture that works to control the quality of a substance. It operates by allowing the desired portion of a liquid or gas to pass through, while restricting the passage of larger particles. Depending on the specific operation of a company, dual basket strainers of different sizes and types can be ordered for implementation. This allows the company to determine exactly what sized particle will be deemed as too large for entrance into the next pipe or area. As a result, only the pure liquid or gas will progress through the system.

In addition to purifying the substance within a system, dual basket strainers can also be utilized for volume and flow control. The strainers can generally be operated by moving a handle, which will cause the dual basket strainers to allow more or less liquid or gas to pass. In this way, dual basket strainers offer a variety of benefits regarding both quality control and flow regulation.

Some industrial systems, due to the nature of their production, cannot be shut off at any given time. For these systems, a plan needs to be in place for cleaning and repairs that will not require shut-off. These types of situations will appreciate the capabilities of dual basket strainers, as these fixtures are actually equipped with two different basket strainers in order to serve cleaning and repair needs without losing production or operation time. In the event that one strainer needs to be serviced, dual basket strainers can work to create an air-tight zone between the two basket strainers that allows for one to be removed for servicing without disturbing the overall flow of substance through the larger system. Other valves are in place to then direct the current flow directly to the basket strainer that is still in place and operating. The end result is that equipment cleaning and repair can occur, without shutting down the whole system, losing production time, or settling for a lower quality product that has not been processed through a basket strainer.

Dual basket strainers can also be designed to meet the specific needs of a certain company. The materials used will depend on the pressure and temperature of each industrial site. The amount of control that is required for substance flow and filtering needs to be considered before dual basket strainers are ordered to be put into place, as well as the types and sizes of particles that the strainers will be intended to remove. The flexibility provided to company owners allows them to select dual basket strainers most suitable for their needs.

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