Chilled Water Valve: Controlling Flow at Low Temperatures

Regardless of the type of process media that is moving through a system, the ability to control it is essential for business and production purposes. Piping systems that are unable to produce a specified amount of quality media at a particular time are deemed broken, in both the residential setting and the industrial setting. Valves are necessary fixtures for substance manipulation, as they are able to control how much of a substance is permitted to travel to a certain area of a piping system at any given time. For systems that deal specifically with high temperature process media, special considerations need to be made due to the context. In piping systems that are expected to transfer chilled water between different locations, a chilled water valve is a necessary feature to assist in this operation.

A chilled water valve is often utilized in air conditioning systems, as they need to transport chilled water as part of the process of cooling down air before it is released as a circulated product. In addition to air conditioning systems, a chilled water valve is utilized in fan coil units, radiation, reheat coils, and unit conditions, to name a few practical applications.

A chilled water valve has several necessary applications, and a durable design is necessary for a chilled water valve to effectively perform its function. Long term reliability and dependability is more attainable if a polypropylene poppet is used within a chilled water valve. As with other different types of valves, many companies producing valves work to design a chilled water valve so that it includes a manual override. If there is any type of manual or power failure throughout the course of production, a chilled water system can be shut off before further damage can occur.

In a chilled water system, there are different types of valves that can be installed in order to manipulate flow, direction, and amount. Some of these options include 2-way and 3-way valves. When a 2-way chilled water valve is installed, it works to stop the water flow completely. A 3-way chilled water valve will completely by-pass the chilled water, and the rate will remain constant. The rate for a 2-way chilled water valve is more prone to fluctuations.

Pumps to ensure that pressure is properly removed from a system are also utilized in different types of chilled water valve installations. It is important to consider that any pressure removed through pumps is created by the discharge by the pump and the other valves and distribution processes involved in the larger system. If a certain pipeline is already delivering a substance to several different openings, there is a great deal of pressure that is being released naturally through the effort of connecting to different valves that open on a somewhat regular basis. An additional pump with the sole intended purpose of removing pressure may not be a necessary or useful application in some of these types of settings

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