Actuated Ball Valve Purposes

Industrial systems operate by controlling different medias. These process fluids are moved between locations in a plant through a series of pipes, which are generally controlled by different types of valves. Valves can be controlled by actuators. The implementation of an actuated ball valve is incredibly useful for system operation and production.

The premise of ball valve operations is that certain positions held by the spherical disc, known as the ball, of a valve either allow a substance to pass through into a pipe, or block entrance and contain or redirect the substance to a different location. An actuated ball valve is automatically repositioned by an actuator, so that different positions can be assumed. As a result, the substance moving through the pipes is moved in a new direction.

Different types of power supplies are available for the operation of an actuated ball valve. These power supplies include pneumatic, hydraulic, and electric actuators. A company can determine which type of actuated ball valve would be most appropriate for their operation. A pneumatic actuated ball valve is powered through gas pressure, while a hydraulic actuated ball valve utilizes hydraulic fluid pressure. Electricity is employed to operate electric actuated ball valves.

An actuated ball valve is very reliable, and is able to completely stop the flow of a substance from entering a certain pipe or area. These valves are easy to maintain over time, and can be customized to the conditions of a particular factory. For instance, an actuated ball valve can be ordered in a certain size that will accommodate a factory's pipes. Additionally, actuated ball valves can be made out of different materials that have different capabilities. An actuated ball valve can be made to deal with high or low pressure and temperature situations. These ball valves are also quite durable, and many different materials can be specified to help maintain durability in a specified application.

An actuated ball valve can be set up to change positions based on the readings of a sensor. A sensor may measure and indicate changing temperature or pressure situations. When the sensor reaches a predetermined point set by machine supervisors, the actuated ball valve is activated. This could perform necessary functions, such as preventing more process fluid from entering an area that is already full. Once the sensor reads that the area is ready for more, it activates the actuated ball valve, which then changes position to allow process fluid to enter that location.

Actuated ball valves are incredibly useful for both production and safety reasons. If a piece of machinery tries to continue operation when pressure or temperature levels are dangerously high, parts can break and potentially injure nearby workers. The sensors and actuated ball valves that respond to those sensors allow for a machine to self-regulate and respond to these conditions before they become disastrous. Successful implementation of an actuated ball valve can cut down on production loss, repair time, and injury by providing a quick response when needed. All of these benefits should drive companies and industries to consider adding an actuated ball valve to their design.

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