3 Way Control Valves in Industry

The concept of a basic valve is quite simple. It either is opened or closed, like a door. It can provide the opportunity to pass into the next area of space, or it can deny that chance and keep all of the process media contained in its current area. This simple concept has been applied to countless piping systems in different industries over the years. However, as piping systems and factories became more complicated, a simple orifice that opened and closed between two different pipes was not able to provide control over all of the media movement that was needed.

These more complicated piping systems resulted in the creation of 3 Way Control Valves. Instead of blocking of a certain area in one pipe or only delegating media to one of two pipe options, a third travel space is now an option. The design of 3 Way Control Valves deals with three pipes that converge at a single point. The valve then controls two different orifices within that three pipe conversion zone. This control provides the opportunity to send media to different locations.

Most types of 3 Way Control Valves operate automatically. They are controlled by feedback from sensors, which are used to monitor things like the pressure, temperature, volume, and flow of either a gas or liquid in the piping system. Once a measurement that is outside of the acceptable range occurs, 3 Way Control Valves will start moving to remedy the issue.

The 3 Way Control Valves that are installed in a system respond to sensor overloads by opening or shutting. This can stop or start flow to certain locations. There are also options that slow or speed up flow without cutting it off completely. In order to achieve these differences, the 3 Way Control Valves can be set to only move partial amounts, therefore allowing a smaller but usable opening. This is called throttling.

The control and ability to respond that 3 Way Control Valves have is automatically adjusted by an actuator, which can use either an electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic system to exert power over the valve positioning. Certain industries and factories lend themselves to the use of water or gas over electricity, but everything ultimately depends on the availability of a substance, the power it can provide, and the effects of mixing that substance with other factory materials and supplies. The options available allow each business to find an option that is suitable for them.

In addition to choosing power sources for the actuators that move 3 Way Control Valves, businesses can also select the valve size that they require for their production goals. Different and specialized sizes of the 3 Way Control Valves can be ordered for various factory use. Software also exists to assist companies in this valve size determination. Additionally, calculators are available online to assist in determining the 3 Way Control Valves that will be most beneficial for the situation, both in the valve type, trim type, and the size that are most acceptable. Businesses consistently need to remember that their materials and supplies interact with the valves, and therefore need to be compatible.

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