Specific Motor Control Through 120 Volt Actuators

Countless machines require motors in order to complete their processes and tasks. Those motors do not always have the finite control necessary to perform certain tasks, including stopping, changing, or re-directing the motor rotation.

If one of the tasks of a machine requires a motor that can be controlled to stop turning at a specified location, 120 Volt Actuators may be necessary to complete that duty. The speed of a motor, as well as the direction a motor is turning, can be influenced by the pressure of other materials exerted on the actuator itself, which in turn affect the movement and torque production of the motor.

Actuators manipulate motors by controlling the force that is determining their motion. Some 120 Volt Actuators are controlled by hydraulic systems, and some are controlled by pneumatic systems. Either system can be utilized and applied by other types of equipment and machines. Then, either liquids or gases, respectively, are employed to control the 120 Volt Actuators that then determine the motor rotation.

The direction of 120 Volt Actuators is determined by the point on the actuator itself where pressure is applied. That pressure could be from liquid or gas sources, but the actuator would respond in a similar fashion to any type of pressure applied with a similar force to a similar location. The force can be used to slow down a motor, even to the point where it is stopping completely at a necessary point in its natural rotation. Without the advantage of an actuator, motors are difficult to control, and even harder to shut down at predictable points. Due to the fact that some tasks require high levels of predetermined start and stop control, 120 Volt Actuators are vital and necessary pieces of machinery.

The job of stopping a motor at a specific place can be supported through the use of valves, modulating electronics, and stroke limiters on 120 Volt Actuators. These additions work to control the degree of rotation, as well as determine the exact portion of the rotation where the actuator needs to come to a complete stop. Businesses may find it prudent to invest in these additional actuation materials. The amount of control that they provide could make a monumental difference in the overall production success from their machines.

In certain instances, companies will utilize machines that need to shift tasks or products when a specific point is reached. It can be weight activated, and can signify that a machine holding a product after completion senses that the product is done (by the weight of the finalized product) and delivers the product to a center for distribution. 120 Volt Actuators can be pre-set to respond to a certain amount of pressure, or weight. Once that pressure is achieved, the actuator can indicate that a different motor action is then required to deliver the final product to its desired location. While this is one use of an actuator, a myriad of other applications and uses make this product invaluable.

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